P5 Homes is one of the projects of P5 Group Pty Ltd, an Australian owned company. We are serving mainly in Sydney South West, Sydney West, Sydney North West and Sydney Inner West Areas. P5 Homes is established with an intention and committed to provide high quality residential solutions to support Australians to have a dream homes within affordable budget. P5 Homes is a brand you can count on to have a strong foundation for your future- A HOME of Happiness, Reliability, Bond, Satisfaction, and most of all a safe place to grow your families. Young, Mid age and aged, we all are struggling to keep up with the raising housing cost in Sydney and P5 Homes is committed to support you in best possible way without breaking your bank.
One of our directors is Mr Foote, a licence qualified builder with over 15 years’ experience in building industry in Australia.
Our team members and qualified licenced contractors are determined to build your dream home with durable solid foundation and stable roof over your head for your future.
We are committed to deliver Integrity, Reliability, Affordability, Sustainability and Quality.